Project properties

Open Manage Properties from project menu.
  1. Filter properties
  2. Display:
    2.1 Project specific properties
    2.2 Default properties
    2.3 Selected in project
  1. Add / remove property to project
  2. Synchronization settings
  3. Property information
  4. Add project specific properties
  5. Map properties and parameters

Synchronization settings

  1. Property value is set to be uploaded
    from Revit to the spine project
  2. Property value is set to be downloaded
    from the spine project to Revit
  1. Property is set to be required in Revit
  2. Property is selected in the spine project
  3. Open disciplines
  4. Settings vary on disciplines
1. Create project specific property
  1. Press flags to add name and description in multiple languages
  2. Type in a property name
  3. Type in a property description
  4. Fallback name and description appear if name and description do not exist in the user language
    Press a flag to copy name and description to fallback
  1. Select a group the property belongs to
  2. Select whether a property value list shall be associated
  3. Select value list type
  4. Select whether values can vary from the list
  5. Save property
2. Map properties and parameters
  1. Mapped parameters
  2. Filter parameters
  3. Add parameter to property
  1. Create new Revit parameter
  2. Revit categories the parameter respond with
3. Create Revit parameter
  1. Select Revit versions the parameter shall be used in
  2. Select standards the parameter is associated with
  3. Type in a name
  4. Select disciplines
  5. Select a data type
  6. Select a parameter group
  7. Select a shared parameter group
  1. Generalt a GUID
  2. Type in a Built-in parameter instead of a GUID
  3. Type in a description
  4. Select whether it is a instance or type parameter
  5. Save parameter
  6. Select Revit categories